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Using the data importer tool

Importing mass data to generate social impact data

Siddesh Iyer avatar
Written by Siddesh Iyer
Updated over a week ago

To use the importer tool, navigate to your club management tab, then click the "Add Data" button. From here you will be redirected to the data importer tool.

You can use the importer tool to:

  • Add data about the people who are a part of your club by uploading a CSV file.

  • Add multiple check-ins at once to add data for impact analytics.

You can watch a walk-through of how to add participant data in the video below:

Add Club Members/Participants

When selecting 'Add Club Members/Participants' you can upload a CSV file with member and participants data quickly and easily.

When preparing your CSV document, you can use the information in the blue banner that says 'What should be present in my CSV file' to help guide you through what data points are required for a successful import. Here you will also find a downloadable CSV template.

Once you upload your CSV, you need to match the columns in you CSV file to what data point they correspond to. Once you have marked all your columns and fixed errors that show up, you can import all your data by clicking the 'Import Data' button.

If you are using your own CSV file, make sure to include the required and recommended information for best impact data results. Read the callout below to see which data points are required and which are optional.

Required Data Points

To import people, you will be required to provide the below data points for each person:

  • First Name: Identifier for you to manage your data better.

  • Last Name: Identifier for you to manage your data better.

  • Date of Birth: In YYYY-MM-DD format.

  • Biological Sex: Select between:

    • 'Male'

    • 'Female'

  • Postcode of Address: UK addresses only.

Data Points for Impact Analytics

You can further add the following data about each person in your CSV to allow us to generate impact analytics for them:

  • Gender: Select between:

    • 'Male'

    • 'Female'

    • 'Other'

  • Height (in centimeters): Positive Integer between 30 and 272.

  • Weight (in kilograms): Positive Integer greater than 3.

  • Ethnicity: Select between:

    • White - British

    • White - Irish

    • Traveller of Irish heritage

    • Any other white background

    • Gypsy / Roma

    • White and Black Caribbean

    • White and Black African

    • White and Asian

    • Any other mixed background

    • Indian

    • Pakistani

    • Bangladeshi

    • Chinese

    • Any other Asian background

    • Black Caribbean

    • Black - African

    • Any other Black background

    • Any other ethnic group

  • Participation Rate: Select between:

    • Less than 30 minutes per week

    • Between 30 to 89 minutes per week

    • Between 90 to 149 minutes per week

    • Over 150 minutes per week

  • First Line of Address: UK addresses only.

  • Second Line of Address: UK addresses only.

  • City/Town of Address: UK addresses only.

(Note: you will be able to find all this data in the blue support button on the 'Add club members/participants' section of the importer tool)

Adding Custom Data Points

On SportFin, you can add custom data points to your participants. You can use the Importer tool to add custom data to the participants you are importing as well.

In your CSV file, ensure that the custom data point you want to add is set as a column, with the first row corresponding to the key of your data point, and the value of the data point entered in the corresponding cell of each user.

For example, if you want to add school data, add the header 'School' on the first row of a column and add the corresponding school names in the cells below.

Next, in the 'Mark attributes' step, make sure you select the 'Mark as Custom Data' on the columns you want to import as custom data.

That's it! Your custom data point will be imported with your participant data.

Fixing Errors

Should an error pop up when you import your data, you will be able to fix it in the same flow. If there are errors in category-based data, you will be able to select a data point from a set list of correct responses.

If the error is in an input-based data point, an input box will pop-up to fix the data point.

Once you have fixed all the data points that need fixing, your participant data will be imported.

Read this article to find out more about SportFin's impact analytics.

Note: If you are using the importer tool to add data about participants, please make sure you have considered if it might be easier for you to invite participants to SportFin so we can collect the data for you directly - this is the easiest way to add data about your participants. Read this guide.

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