Make sure you have created a facility, an activity and added participants to your club account before proceeding.
To get started, navigate to your 'Club Management' portal. From here:
Find an activity you have already delivered on your 'Activity Schedule' and click on it.
Scroll down on the activity page till you see 'Check-in Staff' or 'Check-in Members' and click the '+ Add' button.
In the pop-up, check the boxes next to the people who have attended and click 'Check-in members/staff'.
You have now successfully checked in members and staff on an activity.
If you have used SportFin's registration system, you can also use the 'Bulk check-in' button to check-in all the participants that have registered for an activity.
You can also add check-ins retrospectively after delivering activities our data importer tool.
You will now be able to see your organisation's impact analytics. Read this article to discover how to use SportFin's impact analytics to help your organisation.