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Adding activities on SportFin

A simple guide to adding activities on your club account on SportFin

Siddesh Iyer avatar
Written by Siddesh Iyer
Updated today

After setting up a facility, you are now ready to schedule activities for your club account.

  • Go to your 'Club Management' section and then the go to the 'Activities' tab.

  • Scroll down and press the green "Create New Activity' button.

In the pop-up that appears, you will need to fill out some information to create your activity.

🏃 Activity & Schedule information:

In this section, you can provide scheduling information and any information you want displayed to your participants.

  • Cover Photo (optional): Add an image from your activity or club photo.

  • Name (required): Choose the name of your activity.

  • Select Facility: Select which facility this activity will be delivered in.

    You will need to add your facilities before creating your activities, to be able to select where your activity is being delivered.

  • Description (optional): Describe your activity for your participants and add all relevant information participants need to know about this activity, you can edit this later.

  • Set Dates and Times (required):

    • Set Dates: You can either set a single date or multiple dates from the 'Select a date' pop up.

    • Start Time: Set the start time of the activity. You can click the numbers in the pop-up or the icon to quick-select a time.

    • End Time: Set the end time of the activity. You can click the numbers in the pop-up or the icon to quick-select a time.

  • Set a recurrence rule (optional): You can set a recurrence rule by clicking the 'Add Rule' button. Select which days of the week you would like the activity to recur and optionally select a 'date until' which the activity will recur.

    If you do not set a 'date until', the system will create a recurrence rule for 3 months in the future from the earliest date you added in the 'Select a date' input.

📊 Impact Reporting Information

When you create an activity, we will collect some information to help us with our impact reporting. This information allows SportFin's impact analytics model to understand activity characteristics and correlate them to social impact outcomes.

  • Purpose (required): Select 'Development of Sport' in Purpose if you are delivering this activity purely to promote participation in sport/physical activity. Select 'Development through Sport' if you are delivering this activity as part of a targeted programme to generate social outcomes through sport/physical activity.

  • Participation Type (required): Select 'Individual' in Type if you can participate in the activity as an individual. Select 'Team' if you can only participate in this activity as a team. If your participation type is individual, but is delivered as part of group activities, select 'Team'.

  • Activity Type: Select the sport/physical activity that most closely matches the type of activity you will be delivering. This section helps us understand the amount of energy spent by participants in this activity (along with accounting for duration and other individual characteristics).

💷 Booking System Settings

In this section, you can select custom data to collect, pricing information and booking restrictions for your activity.

You can skip the pricing questions (leave them as 0) if you wish to set the activity as free.

If your are creating an activity for data collection, you can skip the pricing and restrictions sections.

  • Price: Set the price for this activity for one individual. This is the price that members will pay when they book onto your activity. If you create a recurring activity or an activity with multiple dates, your participants will get the option to block book to multiple dates.

If you set the activity price at £5.00 and the activity has 5 dates, participants can book into all 5 dates for £25.00.

Parents can also collect bookings for all their children, either for a single date or multiple dates.

  • Block booking discount amount: You can add a discount for those who book block sessions as an incentive to pay upfront.

If you set the activity price at £5.00 and the activity has 5 dates and you add a £5.00 Block booking discount, participants block booking can book into all dates for £20.00 instead of £25.00.

  • Online/Offline setting: You can tick this box if you only want to take payments online. If this box is ticked, participants will not be able to 'Register and Pay at Venue'.

  • Make Bookings Private: Check this box if you do not want the activity publicly accessible. Only people with the activity link will be able to access this page.

  • Max Bookings Allowed: You can set a maximum bookings limit to the activity. When the limit is reached, participants can join the waitlist. If there are cancellations, you can add participants from the waitlist to the activity.

  • Age and Biological Sex Restrictions: This setting allows you to set restrictions to booking into the activity based on an individuals age or biological sex.

You will need to connect your club account to Stripe to collect payments. Read this guide to learn how to connect your club account to Stripe.

✅ Consent and Additional Information

You can also collect consent and other additional information through you activities. By default, we collect medical, allergies and additional support information from individuals booking into activities. If you require individuals/parents to provide additional consent, you can add up to 3 additional consent boxes.

To add an additional consent, click one of the 'Consent Field' buttons, then add a title and description to the consent field, and set whether of not this consent field is required to book into the activity.

You can also ask for additional information from your participants/parents when they book into the activity by clicking the 'Add a Question' button.

Participants will be asked to provide this information when they book into the activity:

Congratulations, you have now completed setting up your activities. Now you can invite members and staff to create an account.

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