The SportFin platform is undergoing changes to make:
Club management features more flexible and able to cater diverse needs.
Social impact analytics faster and more powerful, with ability to include external data.
Latest updates:
More flexible activities management
You can manage booking cancellations and refunds from the activity page as a club administrator:
Navigate to an activity page and scroll down till you find the 'INDIVIDUALS REGISTERED/PAID FOR THIS ACTIVITY' section. From here you can scroll across the table to find the Cancel/Refund column, and can manage individual bookings by pressing the 'X' button.
Individuals can join waitlists for sold out activities:
Individuals can join a waitlist for activities that are sold out, and in case of cancellations, club administrators or staff can slot in people on the waitlist to ensure full-attendance.
You can now collect multiple consent fields and additional open-ended information from individuals booking into activities:
When creating activities, you can add up to 3 additional consent fields, and choose if you want to make the consent a requirement to book into the activity or not.
You can also add an additional information field to ask individuals booking in open-ended questions.
When individuals book in, these consents and additional information will be collected along with their booking form.
Club administrators and staff can then view these consents and additional information on the activity page, in the table of bookings.
You can copy embed code for activity calendars and embed in you website or other HTML pages:
Click the 'Embed this schedule' button in your 'Club Management' tab to copy embed code for the calendar. Then, paste this code into the HTML page you would like to embed your activity calendar in.
You can now bulk check-in individuals that have registered to your activities with one click:
In your activity page, once the activity has past, you will be able to click the 'Bulk check-in' button to create check-ins for all the individuals registered to that activity:
More Powerful Social Impact Analytics
New data explorer tool:
You can dynamically visualise, save, embed and share data visualisations about who you are engaging, what activities you have delivered and what impact your organisation is generating through our new data explorer tool.
New map visualisations:
Our new map visualisations allow you to layer data regarding locations of deprivation, and other external data on to maps - allowing you to create powerful stories through data.
Just navigate to your 'Impact Analytics' section to explore and save your data visualisations.
Find out more about how you can use your data to fundraise: